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Nefarious Noises: 5 Common Reasons Why Your Sump Pump is Constantly Running

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Although Edmonton isn't known for heavy rainfall, it is known for cold temperatures and high levels of snowfall. And when temperatures warm, snowmelt can lead to flooding, threatening your basement. That's why it's so important to have a sump pump system in place. Is your sump pump constantly running? Our Edmonton plumbers can tell you the top reasons why and how to eliminate this issue.

Sump pumps are designed to drain groundwater from your basement and perimeter drains—often on a down slope from your basement, diverting it away from your foundation to prevent excess water from getting into your home and accumulating around your home’s foundation. Without a sump pump, your basement becomes more vulnerable to flood and moisture damage.

But if, on a sunny day, you notice your sump pump keeps running, it's a key indicator that something is wrong. To initiate moisture elimination, your sump pump should only run when the water level rises. So, when your sump pump is constantly running, when it shouldn’t, it's time to call our Edmonton plumber in to take a look.

In this blog, we'll explore the five common reasons behind your sump pump issue and how Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Edmonton can help!

Sump Pump Keeps Running? Let’s Understand How It Works First

The job of a sump pump is to detect rising water levels, pumping them away from your home via the discharge pipe. Every sump pump is equipped with a reactive switch that will activate when it detects elevated water levels. It will then send a signal to the pump to turn on and siphon water into the discharge pipe directly away from your home's foundation.

5 Common Reasons Behind Your Sump Pump Constantly Running

It's not difficult to tell that when your sump pump keeps running, something has gone wrong. However, it can be hard to determine the causes behind the issue. Well, that's what we're here for! Read on to discover five reasons your sump pump is constantly running.

1. Jammed Float Switch

As mentioned above, your device's float switch activates when it detects rising water. The float mechanism rests on the water, but as the water level rises, the float will lift. And this signals the switch to start pumping away water. When you have a float switch malfunction, the float valve has become damaged or has been entangled in another component, it will continue to tell the pump to keep pumping, causing the sump pump to constantly run.

2. Malfunctioning Check Valve

The check valve is the component of the sump pump that prevents water from going back into the sump pump pit (a hole located in your basement floor). When this valve is not operating correctly, it can cause a sump pump to short cycle, which means turn on and off frequently. If your check valve is beginning to show signs of wear, it's best to get a replacement for your broken check valve. Replacing your faulty check valve may be enough to return your pump to optimal condition when your sump pump keeps running. If you think you need a new check valve, contact Mr. Rooter Plumbing to get it done.

3. Your Home Is Built on a High Water Table

In some rare cases, your home may be built on a high water table, which is the boundary between saturated and unsaturated ground. So, when those waters rise, they will likely come above the level of the bottom of your sump pit causing water to flow into the pit. Water tables can be funny, it’s common for one house to have a pump that runs regularly, when the house next door barely ever sees water. If your home sees an abnormally high flow of water into the sump pit, it is highly recommended that you have a backup pump system in place. Eventually your pump will fail, so you’ll want your backup system waiting and ready to jump into action.

4. Incorrect Sump Pump Size

It's possible that when your sump pump was installed, the incorrect size was chosen for your specific water needs. When you have an oversized pump it can short cycle, meaning that it pumps the water down too fast. Whereas with an undersized sump pump, you'll find yourself with a sump pump constantly running when the water comes because it can’t keep up. It's important to have the proper size sump pump to suit the needs of your basement and to prevent a sump pump from short cycling.

5. Discharge Pipe Clog

Your discharge pipe is where excess moisture is carried and disposed of at an alternative place in your yard. When your discharge pipe is blocked, it will send that excess water back to the pump and will initiate an endless cycle. A drain snake may help rid you of the blockage. If not, it's best to call in professionals to take a closer look when you have a sump pump constantly running.

Is Your Sump Pump Constantly Running? Here Are Some Preventative Maintenance Tips:

To prevent future issues with a sump pump constantly running, there are some measures you can employ. Some of these include:

  • Check and clean the discharge pipe
  • Check float switch
  • Clean inlet screen
  • Check the sump pump for dirt or debris
  • Check power source
  • Clean the sump pump regularly
  • Check valve operation
  • Check valve for excessive wear

Keeping up with regular cleaning and wear and tear will help prevent future problems with a sump pump constantly running and keep your sump pump running smoothly and efficiently. Rely on Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Edmonton as your professional plumbing company, and stay on top of your plumbing maintenance and repairs.

Contact us today to get started on the sump pump service your home needs!

Worried about Strange Noises? When Your Sump Pump Keeps Running, Call Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Edmonton

Are you ready for sweet silence to be restored? Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Edmonton can help with a sump pump constantly running! Depend on our experienced plumbers and sump pump services for top-notch inspection, repair or replacement at affordable costs. Whether you live in Edmonton or the surrounding areas of Fort Saskatchewan, Pleasantview, Sherwood Park, and Stony Plain, there's no company better suited for your sump pump repair and replacements when your sump pump keeps running.

We also offer a wide range of plumbing services, next to sump pump replacement and repair, such as drain cleaning, HydroScrub® drain jetting, leaky pipes, clogged drains, and more!

Contact us today to schedule service with one of our professional plumbers. Our plumbing experts will get your sump pump taken care of when you have a sump pump constantly running because you deserve the peace of mind that comes with a working sump pump and plumbing system.

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