Lead was once thought of as the perfect plumbing material, known for its durability, resistance to corrosion, and resistance to contamination, which was a very important feature in early plumbing systems. Its use has been dated back thousands of years to the time of the Roman Empire when lead was used in water distribution systems. Nowadays, we know lead actually contaminates the water as it passes through it, leading to a myriad of health problems like damage to your neurological system, developmental delays, and learning difficulties.
Everyone who has had exposure to lead piping can be affected, but pregnant women and children are at the greatest risk. If your home was built in the 1950s or earlier, there's a chance there's still lead pipe that runs through the property. Call the professionals in lead pipe replacement. Mississauga residents can count on a local Mississauga plumber at Mr. Rooter Plumbing to accurately inspect, repair and replace their lead piping.
Provide yourself and your family with safety and security by replacing your lead pipes with pipes that are safe for drinking water. Our plumbing service professionals will upgrade your home plumbing system so you can avoid potential health hazards from lead contamination. Contact us today to upgrade your water service from old and dangerous to new and safe.