When was your home's drainage system last serviced? If you're dealing with persistent clogs and find yourself frequently using a plunger on your plumbing fixtures, it's high time to reach out to your nearby Markham plumber for prompt plumbing repair and service. Our dependable team at Mr. Rooter Plumbing is well-equipped to identify and resolve any issues with clogged drains in Markham. Regardless of the complexity, no slow drainage or blockage is beyond our expertise. Give us a call today to arrange a hassle-free consultation at a budget-friendly rate!

Our Top-Notch Service For Your Clogged Drain in Markham

Our plumbing experts provide a hassle-free solution for clogged drains, eliminating the need for extensive disassembly. With specialized tools, we efficiently address stubborn clogs, restoring optimal functionality to your plumbing system. Our service extends to detecting and addressing deeper sewer line issues, ensuring a comprehensive solution for your plumbing needs.

Drain Inspection and Diagnosis

Our licensed plumbers conduct a thorough external examination of your plumbing, inspecting drains and pipes. We check seals, test water drainage, and listen for unusual noises to ensure a comprehensive assessment. Thoroughness is our priority, prompting an inspection of all drains to confirm a singular tough clog rather than an underlying plumbing issue.

Plumbing Camera Inspection

Our certified plumbers pinpoint the clogged drain's location through a drain camera inspection, using advanced equipment to navigate a high-definition video camera through drains and sewer pipes. This method illuminates the exact location and cause of the blockage, allowing our experienced plumbers to visualize your piping system for optimal service. The cameras reveal issues like tree roots and soap scum buildup and detect water leaks, offering recommendations for potential future repairs.

Plumbing Drain Snake

A plumbing snake, or drain auger, efficiently clears stubborn clogs, even in toilets. This motorized, flexible cable with hooks penetrates deep into plumbing fixtures, effectively grabbing and removing debris. Although effective, the process may require repetition for older or fragile pipes. Despite being a traditional method, our plumbers possess additional techniques for situations where a snake just won’t cut it.


For preventive maintenance and addressing clogged drains in Markham, we employ HydroScrub® Jetting technology. This advanced equipment flushes pipes with high-pressure water, eliminating dirt and grime without harsh chemicals. Operating at 3,500 PSI, it rejuvenates drains, reaching tight spaces where buildups occur. High-pressure water jetting is valuable for routine maintenance, whether dealing with serious clogs or slow drains.

Non-Chemical Care

We avoid chemical solutions and adopt an environmentally conscious approach with biodegradable alternatives. This natural-based solution uses enzymes to clear drain lines without the environmental impact of harsh chemicals. Alongside hydro-jetting, this organic method serves as an eco-friendly alternative for addressing clogged drains in Markham.

Rely on Mr. Rooter Plumbing’s Expert Plumbers for Your Clogged Drains, Markham!

Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Markham is your dedicated source for professional plumbing services catering to both residential and commercial property owners. As the go-to local plumbing company, we take pride in ensuring that your home and property stay current with all essential plumbing maintenance requirements.

Our team of professional plumbers is not only licensed and insured but also well-trained to tackle even the most challenging clogs. We uphold a rigorous hiring process, selecting only the most experienced plumbers who bring a wealth of expertise to our services. This commitment is reinforced by our outstanding customer service and the collective experience that our team brings to the table. With our unique Done Right Promise® as a Neighbourly company, our drain experts guarantee the quality of our work and strive to complete projects promptly and efficiently, providing you with peace of mind that we won't consider a job finished until it's thoroughly done.

At Mr. Rooter Plumbing, we believe in transparency and fairness. That's why we offer upfront, flat-rate pricing without any hidden charges. This approach empowers you to maintain affordability while taking control of your budget. We understand that plumbing issues can arise at any time, so we provide flexible scheduling, including 24/7 emergency plumbing services. This ensures that you won't have to endure the inconvenience of a clogged drain in Markham for longer than necessary, as our dedicated team is always ready to assist, no matter the hour. Trust Mr. Rooter Plumbing for reliable, transparent, and efficient clogged drain services that prioritize the well-being of your property.

FAQs About Clogged Drains in Markham

What Can Cause a Clogged Drain in Markham?

Various items can lead to drain blockages, ranging from the kitchen sink to the toilet and floor drain. Common household culprits include flushable wipes, baby wipes, dental floss, clumps of hair, food particles, cooking grease, feminine hygiene products, motor oil, antifreeze, produce stickers, paper towels, and melted candle wax. We strongly advise against putting these items down your bathroom sinks, kitchen sink drains, and shower drains. Consider using a drain screen or mesh to prevent clogged drains in Markham. This serves as a drain trap, protecting your plumbing system from excessive debris, particularly hair, and minimizing the risk of blockages. We recommend not flushing anything down the commode except toilet paper to avoid a clogged toilet.

What are Common Drain Issues Homeowners Face?

Our plumbers frequently encounter common issues with drain pipes, including:

  • Blocked drains that lead to slow or clogged drainage
  • Backed-up drains that cause water overflow
  • Root intrusions
  • Broken pipes involving cracks or segments collapsing
  • Frozen pipes
  • Broken or dissolved seals

Addressing these issues requires plumbing services such as drain pipe repair, replacement, or a regular drain service to eliminate clogged drains in Markham homes.

What is a DIY Method for Clearing Clogs?

A simple DIY method for clearing clogged drains in Markham involves using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Start by pouring half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by equal vinegar. Allow the mixture to sit for 15-30 minutes to take advantage of the fizzing reaction that helps break down the clog. Meanwhile, boil water in a kettle or pot. After waiting, carefully pour the boiling water down the drain to flush away the loosened debris. If the drain is still slow, you can repeat the process or use a plunger for added force. This method is effective for minor drain clogs caused by organic matter, soap scum, or hair, but for more stubborn clogs, consider seeking a plumbing professional help. Avoid combining this method with commercial drain cleaners for safety reasons and to prevent pipe damage.

What Other Services Can Your Plumbers Provide?

Explore our range of plumbing solutions tailored to both residential and commercial needs. Our offerings include sump pump services, professional drain services and other drain services, hot water tank installations, sewer line repairs, sewer backup services, preventative measures, plumbing emergencies, and more! Feel free to contact us for inquiries about the full spectrum of services we provide.

Avoid A Plunger; Choose Mr. Rooter Plumbing For Clogged Drains in Markham Instead!

The skilled professionals at Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Markham are prepared and available to assist you with a comprehensive range of plumbing services, including annual maintenance and checkups. Our goal is to ensure your home operates at its peak efficiency, averting potential disasters and providing you with confidence in your plumbing system's optimal functionality. Whether you're facing drainage issues or require routine maintenance, we're here to serve homeowners in Markham, Stouffville and the surrounding areas. Contact our customer service team today for an estimate and to schedule an appointment.
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